A suite of animated information on the following heart problems: Angina, Palpitations, Hear Failure, Heart Attack and Blood pressure. Coving: What is, Causes, Treatments, living with, and lifestyle advice, as used in many NHS hospitals. Full voice over in English.
Diabetes type 1
A suite of animated information on Diabetes Type 1. Coving: What is, Causes, Treatments, living with, and lifestyle advice and ideas. as used in many NHS hospitals and used as a basis by Diabetes Australia for an informational DVD & Diabetes UK. Full voice over in English.
Diabetes type 2
A suite of animated information on Diabetes Type 2. Coving: What is, Causes, Treatments, living with, and lifestyle advice and ideas. as used in many NHS hospitals and used as a basis by Diabetes Australia for an informational DVD & Diabetes UK. Full voice over in English.
Diabetes type 2 – The Indian series
A suite of animated information on Diabetes Type 2. Coving: What is, Causes, Treatments, living with, and lifestyle advice and ideas. as used in many NHS hospitals and used as a basis by Diabetes UK for CD based information. Full voice over in Urdu, Gujarati, Punjabi and Bengali.
The Menopause & HRT
A unique suite of animated information for women covering The Menopause, HRT and the Menstrual Cycle. Developed for and used by many NHS hospitals. Full voice over in English.